This church, based in a rural community halfway between Kampala and Entebbe, organises a number of initiatives, including fish farming, goat rearing and vegetable growing, as part of its outreach programme. For many years, IQFA has supported Jireh Education Centre, based on the direct knowledge of a Friend from Portadown MM and the pastor from Jireh has recommended the YMCF church. IQFA has agreed to help with funding for a poultry-keeping project aimed to counter unemployment and income-related problems affecting widows, single mothers and the disabled within the local community. The project will include the purchase of large numbers of poultry, the building of poultry sheds at a local centre, training in basic poultry keeping and distribution of poultry to families for income generation. The goal is to provide broilers and layers to 300 people in the first year, 600 in the second year and 900 in the third year.