Friends Church of Kwibuka Yearly Meeting, Burundi

The Church of Friends of Burundi, Kwibuka Yearly Meeting has been in existence since 1934. It works in the areas of peace, social justice and community development. The main focus of their work is
(1) sustainable agriculture
(2) raising small livestock – one family/one livestock
(3) vocational training for youth empowerment
(4) climate change
(5) savings and credit groups and schooling of children
from disadvantaged families. Burundi has been torn apart by repetitive wars, resulting in extreme poverty.

IQFA has agreed to provide funding to help the current 4 year project, Friends in Action for Sustainable Development, which is focused on:

  1. Sustainable agriculture: providing vegetable seeds and training workshops in organic production
  2. Purchase of chickens and rabbits for disadvantaged families to produce eggs and meat
  3. Training workshops in various income-generating occupations
  4. Purchase of school fees and school requirements for disadvantaged students.

Giving a little helps a lot