Deir Mar Musa Al-Habashi Community, Syria

IQFA is supporting the Mar Musa el-Habashi Christian-Islamic community providing medication for around 350 people who have been impacted by war in the cities of Nebek and Homs in Syria. The community initiated a systematic project of medical care at the start of the conflict, which has proved crucial with the continuous increase in prices.
IQFA is also supporting the upgrading of the community’s accommodation so that the community can offer more comfortable accommodation to families and youth groups who attend for spiritual
retreats throughout the year. The community sees these retreats and the work it offers young men and women as an important part of their Christian-Islamic harmony-building ethos.
The community promotes peace, education and environmental issues, such as combating desertification and conserving biodiversity. This is done normally in collaboration with the local society, both governmental and nongovernmental organisations.

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